Information according to Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) and Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPD)
RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. Commercial Registry of MADRID, Book: 17297 Folio: 182 Section: 8 Page: M-266597 Registered 1st. CIF No (Tax Identification Code): B83212118 © 2010 RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. All rights reserved.
RAUROS, ÍNCAR, PRODAUS, DEFLE-PROCESS and DEFLE-VIEWER are trademarks of RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. which has created this Web for informative purposes only.
- Intellectual property rights of the web site, its graphic design, navigation structure, source code with HTML, JAVA, JavaScript language codes, among others, its databases as well as any and all of the different elements included therein are property of RAUROSZMCOM S.L.. RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. has exclusive right to commercial exploitation of such elements in any fashion and, particularly, rights related to reproduction, distribution, public broadcasting and transformation of the same.
- These general terms and conditions regulate the access and use of the Web Site that RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. offers free of charge to all internet users. Accessing such site implies the acceptance without reservations of these terms. The use of certain services offered in this site shall be, in addition, regulated by the specific terms provided for each case in particular, which shall be understood as accepted by merely using such services.
- Users accessing the web site are expressly authorized to visualize any and all content, and printing and downloading partial content solely and exclusively if the following conditions are met:
- When reproduced elements are solely intended for personal and private use. Therefore, it is expressly prohibited the use of web content for commercial purposes, distribution, public broadcasting, transformation or decompilation, including sending the data via e-mail. It is also prohibited that such content be sent or transferred to third parties or be installed in any server connected, directly or indirectly, to a local network and internet, so that a group of third parties have access to such information.
- No related content found in this web site be modified in no manner whatsoever.
- No graph, icon or image available in this Web Site shall be utilized, copied or distributed separately from the text or the rest of the images surrounding it. Any and all failure to comply with the prohibitions and limitations stated herein above or below shall be understood as a violation of the right of intellectual property owned by RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. In such event, RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. is entitled to pursue the corresponding administrative, civil or criminal actions.
The User acknowledges and accepts that any and all industrial and intellectual property rights on content and/or any and all elements inserted in the web site, included but not limited to those elements that constitute the visual appearance, graphic image and other sensorial stimuli of the web pages that constitute the web site "", brands, logos, trademarks, texts, reviews and comments, images, navigation architecture, as well as source codes of the web pages, are owned by RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. and/or third parties whose rights have been transferred. For such purposes, it shall be understood as Web Site any and all creations incorporated and expressed by any mean and/or tangible or intangible support, known or to be known, subject matter of protection by the regulation currently in effect on intellectual and industrial property
It is authorized the visualization, printing, downloading or temporary saving, in all or in parts, of the contents and/or elements inserted in the Web site or the web pages for personal, private and non-profit use made by the user provided that, in all event, the source and/or author of the same is stated and owner’s copyright symbol and/or industrial property notes are shown.
In no event accessing the Web Site implies being granted any permission, waiver, transfer, license or assignment whether total or partial of such rights on part of the owners, unless otherwise stated. Web site use terms and conditions shall not grant the user any further rights related to use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public broadcasting of the Web Site and/or Contents different from the ones stated herein. Any other use or commercial exploitation of any and all rights shall be subject to prior and express authorization given for such purpose by RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. or, in any event, by the third party owner of rights involved.
It is prohibited the use, total or partial reproduction, communication and/or distribution of such elements with commercial or profitable purposes, as well as its modification, alteration, decompilation and/or any other act of commercial exploitation of the Web Site, pages and/or the content included therein. In the event of any other use different from that expressly allowed, it shall be necessary to obtain prior consent in written by the owner of the rights involved.
- RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. reserves the authority to make, whenever necessary and without prior notice, any and all modifications and updates to the information included in the Web Site, in both Spanish and other language versions, to its configuration and presentation of the same as well as to access terms and conditions. Documents and graphs published on this Web Site may have technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
- RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. shall provide material and graphs included in the Web Site without express or implicit warranty of any kind. RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. denies the existence of any warranty or implicit condition on the information stated herein including commercial viability, non-infringement of intellectual property, or fitness for a particular purpose.
- In no event shall RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. or its suppliers be held responsible for damages, including those deriving from a benefits reduction, business disruption or the loss of information due to the use or misuse of the materials contained in this Server, even in the event that RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. has been notified of the possibility of such damage.
- RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the non-existence of interruptions or errors in accessing the Web Site nor its content. It shall not guarantee as well the availability and updating of the content, however it shall make its best effort to avoid, repair or update such content as soon as possible. RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. shall not be held responsible for any of the information included in other Web Sites to which may redirect the user via hypertexts or links.
- RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. shall not be held responsible for the concession or content of third party links appearing in the Web Site, neither guarantees the lack of virus or other elements in the same that may alter the computer (hardware and software), documents or files of the user; RAUROSZMCOM shall not be held liable for damages of any nature caused to the user for these reasons. Therefore, the company shall not be held responsible for any content included in those likes, neither for changes nor updates that they may experience.
- Users shall be held responsible of the access and use of the information included in the Web Site. RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. shall not be held responsible for any consequence, damages that may derive from accessing or using the information. RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. shall not be held liable for potential security errors that may occur nor the potential damages that may be caused to the computer of the user (hardware and software), files and documents saved therein, as a consequence of the presence of virus in the user’s computer used for connecting to the services and contents of the Web Site, the malfunctioning of the navigator or the use of outdated versions of the same.
- Furthermore RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. is the owner of industrial property rights related to its products and services, and especially of those related to the trademark. In relation to the mentions of third party products and services, RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. acknowledges its owners the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights and by no means shall RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. be held responsible for the mention, presence, endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of those products and services.
- Users shall be held responsible for non-authorized use of any information contained in this Web Site, its reselling, as well as infringement of any Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U.
- Any and all third party links redirecting a web user to this Web Site shall be to its home page:
- Data Protection according to Applicable Law
RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. (hereinafter), as responsible entity of this Web Site and according to the provisions of the Spanish Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (L.O. 15/1999, December 13) and the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE 34/2002, June 11) have implemented policies, means and procedures to guarantee and protect the privacy of personal data of its USERS.
- Identity and Address of the Responsible of the File
The owner and responsible of the file is RAUROSZMCOM S.L.. In Services Rendered included in the different sections of this Web Site, the USERS may: obtain information, ask about and purchase services offered in the Web Site. Web Site navigation shall bear no cost and requires no prior log in on part of the USERS. The only personal data accessible by the owner of the file shall be the data that have been provided willingly in order to make it possible to access, use or purchase the services offered through the Web Site
- Data Handling and Confidentiality
The data provided shall be included in an automated file, owned by and under the responsibility of RAUROSZMCOM S.L., and shall be handled with absolute confidentiality.
The entity responsible for the files, as well as those involved in any phase of the handling and/or the entities to whom the data have been transmitted – by virtue of the authorization given by the USER – are bound to observe the professional privilege and shall have the level of protection and necessary technical and organizational measures at their disposal that may guarantee the security of the personal data, preventing, whenever possible, unauthorized access, unlawful modifications, theft and/or loss of data.
Nevertheless, USERS are notified and informed that technical measures are neither flawless nor inaccessible; therefore, the owner of the file shall not be held liable for such practices or its consequences.
By sending personal data and email address to RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. the USER expressly AUTHORIZES the use of such data for periodic communications including those sent via email by RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. or its subsidiaries to their clients and collaborators and potential stakeholders notifying them about their activities, news, training courses, promotions, as well as any offering of services and products related to the activity they develop. The interested party is entitled to exercise upon their data the right to access, rectification, cancellation and objection by sending an email to the following email address requesting his personal data registered in RAUROSZMCOM S.L.’s files be sent via email, in order to rectify, cancel and/or deny the authorization given to receive communications, by notifying RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. about the rectification and/or cancellation of the personal data included in the file.
USER’s personal data, together with that obtained as a result of accessing, using or purchasing the service, shall only be subject matter of automated handling and be sent in the fashion and for the purpose expressly established and authorized by the USERS.
- Data Segmentation and Categorization
The registering of personal data provided at the moment of subscription or purchase of training courses, seminaries, publications, products or other services, and any other data provided during their relationship, implies also willingly accepting the handling of such data by RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. to be segmented and categorized to be applied to the activity related to general management, information, trading of the services, creation of profiles, analysis of proposals requested by the USERS/CLIENTS, statistics analysis of used services and content, likes and preferences, surveys and forms.
- Data communication
By providing personal data, the USERS willingly and expressly accept to assign and send such data for similar purposes to those stated hereinabove to other entities related to RAUROSZMCOM S.L., either supporting and/or collaborating companies, as well as authorizing the responsible of the file to receive from those entities related to RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. any information contained in their files, even in an interconnected fashion, for stated purposes.
RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. shall send to third parties information that may allow the user’s identification when:
- we have obtained the permit to share such information.
- we need to share such information to provide you with the product or service requested.
- we need to send information to companies working with RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. to provide you with the product or service requested. (Unless otherwise stated, these companies are not entitled to use identification information provided to them unless it is necessary to help us).
- we reply to summons or legal requirements, as well as judicial orders or whenever we consider that their activities in our Web Site violate any of the use instructions of our products or services.
- Interested Party Rights and its Exercise
USERS have the right to, in accordance with Spanish Organic Law on Personal Data Protection, access, rectification, cancellation and objection, if any, in relation to their personal data and use, categorization and/or segmentation of said data.
The interested party shall be entitled to exercise, in relation to its personal data, the right to access, rectification, cancellation and objection by sending a letter to Data Protection. RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. 3 CALERA, STREET - OF 18-19 C.P. 28760 TRES CANTOS (MADRID) or an email to [email protected] requesting his personal data registered in RAUROSZMCOM S.L.’s files be sent, in the same manner as requested, in order to rectify, cancel and/or deny the authorization given to receive communications, by notifying RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. about the rectification and/or cancellation of the personal data included in the file
- Cookies
It is hereby informed the use of cookies to personalize the advertising and content available when navigating the site to meet your needs on some products or services and to inform the USER about special promotions and new products and services, to customize and improve the relationship with the USER and adapt to their technology means. This information includes IP address, information on RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. cookies and visited web pages. The USER may configure its Navigator to be asked about accepting or, if any, declining the reception of cookies in its hard drive, having to ask for such purpose for the instructions and handbooks of the navigator to have further information.
RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. makes use of the following information:Links to other Web Sites / Hyperlinks.
In this Web page there are hyperlinks that allow the USER to be redirected to other Web Sites owned by third parties. RAUROSZMCOM S.L., in no event, shall be held liable for the content, information and/or services offered or security measures established by the web sites where the USER may have accessed through hyperlinks included in RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. Web Site. Likewise, RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. shall not be held responsible for the security measures taken by any other web page having a link to RAUROZMCOM S.L. Web Site and those accessed by the USER at its own responsibility.
- Modifications to the Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Finally, it is hereby informed that the responsible of the file reserves the right to modify this privacy policy to adapt it to legislative and regulatory modifications as well as changes or practices in the industry, even though there shall be a notice about the changes to be made and the time when they will become effective.
Those who receive any or some of the electronic communications, news, bulletins and advertising receive them because of the following reasons:
- Having logged in online to this page
- Having logged in online to collaborating pages
- Having requested information about our products or services
- Having provided their information to some of our Collaborators or Employees
- Having registered offline by filling out forms, bulletins, application, etc. offered at fairs, offices, collaborators offices that are archived for subsequent verification for 5 years
Our communications are not intended to reach those who do not wish to receive them; therefore, in order to avoid third parties registering other people without their consent, which may occur and we intent to prevent from occuring by incorporating to this subscription system a filter based on a “non-contact” list that prevents the subscription of any email address included in such list.
Therefore, if you do not wish to receive our communications and prevent a third party from registering yourself against your will, we kindly request you to send us an email with the following SUBJECT: “UNSUSCRIPTION LIST” and we will include the address from which this email is sent to the “non-contact list”.
If you have any problem in doing this electronically, do not hesitate to contact us to the following telephone (+34) 916592238 during working hours, where a person will assist you on this matter.
Requirements: in order to take the most out of the content of it is necessary to have the following plug-ins installed in your computer: - Acrobat Reader: to be able to open PDF files. - Macromedia Shockwave Player 8 + Macromedia Flash Player 5: to view pages and SWF. - Quicktime Freeplayer: to watch videos in several formats. - RealPlayer: to access content in audio and/or video streaming. - Windows Media Player: to access content with several audio and video formats. Optimization: this web site’s optimum view is 800x600, with Internet Explorer navigators.
Copyright: designed and developed by RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. © RAUROSZMCOM S.L.U. all rights reserved.